Friday, November 28, 2008

The Premise

Start with a premise:
Two dice rolled,
The number on the first die
added to an infinite arithmetic
sequence of the second number.
Which combinations will produce 
a perfect square somewhere
in the resulting sequence?

It is a debate for mathletes
and siblings around a  table,
the laptop called into play whose
trial and result program makes
an aggravating background beep
like a dripping faucet
churning out numbers
in stream with the voices'
rising falling currents. 

Any two, when added to 
infinitely again the same
moment by moment
do not always achieve perfection.
Another two, added alike,
will produce each perfected gem
upon its turn.
One plus one is obvious,
but five plus three
takes much more figuring.

When random dice threw us together
I did not know what perfect squares
we could add around our table
we just kept adding up the moments
letting the sequence run on 
in an accumulation of identity
rooted in the place and time we met.

I am no laptop to calculate
yet I discern a function 
in the easy laughter.  
This investigation probes
for theoretic values,
where absolute value lies. 
These squares of you and me,
the geometrically sound
sequence of our effort,
give meaning to our premise
and prove the sum of
all our parts. 

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